

This sweet little girl was welcomed into a home with three older brothers.  Her parents were thrilled when she arrived!!  She is seriously such a beautiful baby and I was dying over her gorgeous locks!!  Enjoy this little Angels first photo shoot.:) ...continue reading

Auction List

This is a list of all the items on the auction for the Fishes which is live on my home page. This way you can see the pictures a little better and check out everything that is available on the auction list. Check it out and then go place your bid HERE   The "Special Occasion" Sequin BowAqua and Orange Room CollectionMisty Ballard Photography Session Swanky Baby Vintage Gift CertificateWhite Lace Star Flower Headband The Album Cafe, Gift Certificate The Album Cafe, Gift ...continue reading

Grisel Family

I love my job!  I seriously sit down to edit and am wowed by all the beautiful people I get to take pictures of.  I love seeing all the different shots I get, bringing out peoples personalities.  It is so fun for me to get so close with my clients and really get to know them.  I make such great friends and meet some really amazing people.  The Grisel family was so much fun.  My husband came along with me to be my assistant for the night and both of us left there having had such a blast. ...continue reading


So for those of you who don't know, I am pregnant!!  I kind of had to slow down with my sessions because I haven't been feeling 100 percent.   So, after a long absence on my part I would like to add one of my senior sessions that I just finished up.  Madison was so easy for me to shoot.  Every single shot of her was absolutely beautiful!  Not only that but she is so laid back and fun to work with.  Loved her and her mom and am so pleased with these pictures.  Enjoy!! ...continue reading

Working girl

I haven't done a post lately so I figured since I am working on a number of sessions right now I will just add a few pictures from each one. Jake and Tierani... Shelli Ryder... ...continue reading